Navigating Neurodiversity: My Journey as a Twice Exceptional Adult
Navigating Neurodiversity: My Journey as a Twice-Exceptional Adult by John Truitt and Deborah Gennarelli, M.Ed. takes readers on an enlightening journey of Truitt’s life and his epiphany moment when he was diagnosed as gifted with autism and other learning differences at 45 years old. Imagine living a good deal of your life knowing you are different from people around you, but you don’t know why. In addition, the things that make you different have caused difficulties with education, jobs, and relationships. Truitt and Gennarelli hope readers will gain invaluable knowledge about giftedness and autism, find inspiration from Truitt’s unique life stories, and discover tips for neurotypicals working and living with 2e adults and strategies for 2e adults to feel more fulfilled in their lives. Advice for parents raising 2e children is also included. This book will help readers appreciate unique differences in people are instrumental in everyone’s success at school, work, and home.