Emily Kircher-Morris, LPC is the host of The Neurodiversity Podcast, which explores the psychological, educational, and social needs of neurodivergent people. After working as a gifted education teacher and school counselor, Emily pursued her passion of supporting the affective needs of gifted and twice-exceptional children as a clinical mental health counselor. She currently works in private practice near St. Louis, Missouri. She is also the author of several books related to the development and education of twice-exceptional children. Her three neurodivergent children provide an unending supply of content for her podcast and books.
Emily Kircher-Morris, LPC is the host of The Neurodiversity Podcast, which explores the psychological, educational, and social needs of neurodivergent people. After working as a gifted education teacher and school counselor, Emily pursued her passion of supporting the affective needs of gifted and twice-exceptional children as a clinical mental health counselor. She currently works in private practice near St. Louis, Missouri. She is also the author of several books related to the development and education of twice-exceptional children. Her three neurodivergent children provide an unending supply of content for her podcast and books.