5 Levels of Gifted
by: Deborah L. Ruf, Ph.D.
Giftedness exists on a continuum—there is a broad range of traits and behaviors that children can exhibit based on where they fall in that continuum. Formerly titled Losing Our Minds: Gifted Children Left Behind, this award-winning book describes these differences within the gifted population. From her 35 years of experience as a consultant working with gifted children and their families, the author looks at 78 gifted children and groups them into five levels of giftedness based on developmental milestones, as well as test data. This information gives parents and educators a reference guide to compare with their own gifted children or students. The author then offers different educational approaches and practical advice, including how to find the best type of school for children at each level.
Length: 368 pages
ISBN 10 digit: 0-910707-98-7
ISBN 13 digit: 978-0-910707-98-5